What’s a princess anyways? Well it’s simply someone who is a daughter of a king. When I thought about it, I am a daughter of the King, which thereby makes me a princess. In addition to that my daughter, Willow-Symone is in love with princesses, which got me to thinking, why not be a real-life princess that she can model herself after, and this princess would be more than a Disney character, but someone who knows that she is in fact a kingdom citizen, who is advocating for her people; and as such God gave me the affectionate name, “Probate Princess,” as He wants me to handle probate needs that His people will undoubtedly face.

What’s probate? Good question, it’s the process of handling your ultimate estate, which can be through a Will or via the Laws of Intestacy (a fancy name for basically how the assets of your estate will pass without a Will, which is governed by state law). As such, my job as the “Probate Princess” is to advocate for you prior to your death by giving you an estate plan that is commensurate with your assets, and that’s everyone, even when you think you don’t have anything. I will show you that you need to plan as it’s simply biblical, as the word of God reminds us that if we don’t leave a plan in place for our loved ones, we are worse than an infidel!

What’s a infidel? An infidel is someone who rejects the faith or an enemy of the faith! As a fellow kingdom, citizen, I know you don’t to be even thought of as rejecting your faith and even worse as an enemy of God. As such I want you to be in alignment with His word, by making sure your estate documents are tailored to your specific needs during your lifetime. Secondly, as Probate Princess, my job is to advocate for your loved ones at your death. Since every Will has to be probated, why not ensure that it’s done correctly and alleviate the hassle of trying to figure it out, let us do it for you! You have enough to deal with after having lost a loved one, you don’t need the headache of the court as well, and since we would have likely taken care of your needs during your lifetime, there will be little to probate at death, saving you on all ends!

To sum it up, the Probate Princess makes sure your house is in order! Having your house in order, aligns you with His will, which is why our practice is predicated on making sure you know that Your Will is His will!


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